Thank you very much for considering contributing to the Ujwal Thapa Foundation! As we start this journey of establishing the foundation, we are grateful for your generosity and commitment to this initiative. While we are reaching out to Ujwal’s well-wishers and networks for initial support to get us started, we are also very aware of the need for financial sustainability in the long run. We are committed to working toward it from the very beginning.
If you are in Nepal, you can use the following method to donate:
If you have questions or would like to explore long-term support or a specific project, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at
QR Code
If you are in Nepal you can use one of the following methods to support us:

Bank Transfer

Account name: Ujwal Thapa Foundation
Account number: 3301010008822
Bank name and branch: Global IME Bank, Panipokhari
If you are residing in a foreign country and wish to support our cause, please consider clicking on one of the links provided below. It is important to note that as we do not have a legal presence outside our country, Leadership Building Academy (LBA), a non-profit organization registered in the United States as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt entity, has graciously agreed to process all financial donations, earmark them, and deliver them to us. To ensure a smooth and efficient process, there is also a Memorandum of Understanding between the Foundation and LBA. By choosing to click on any of the buttons below, you can contribute financially towards our fundraising efforts whilst simultaneously benefiting from tax-deductible contributions in the US.
* Transaction fees may apply.